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Have you ever dreamt of visiting Uruguay?

Uruguay is a small country in South America, bordering Argentina and Brazil. It’s known for its beaches and its rich biodiversity – with almost 10% of the world’s bird species living on just 0.03% of the planet’s surface (that’s smaller than England).


Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay, and it's located on the banks of the Rio de la Plata. It has a population of 1.3 million people, making it one of South America's largest cities.

The city was founded in 1726 by Pedro de Mendoza as a military outpost. It became capital when Argentina separated from Spain in 1810; however, it lost this status when Buenos Aires became independent from Spain (and later Argentina) in 1816. Montevideo regained its status as capital in 1828 after defeating Brazilian forces at what's now known as Battle of Cepeda in 1825.

Punta del Este

Punta del Este is a resort town on the Atlantic coast in Uruguay. It's known for its beaches, casinos, and nightlife--and it's fast becoming one of South America's most popular tourist destinations.

The city has a population of around 35,000 people. Its name translates to "cape point" because it's located at the tip of an extensive sandbar that separates Punta del Este Natural Reserve from Laguna Garzon (Garzon Lake).

Punta del Diablo

Punta del Diablo is a small town on the Atlantic coast of Uruguay. It's known for its beaches, surfing and beautiful scenery. The population here is about 2,000 people but it's a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to Montevideo (only an hour away) as well as amazing wildlife including penguins and whales that visit during their migrations along the coast.

The main attraction in Punta del Diablo is Playa Grande--one of Uruguay's most famous beaches--which has clear blue water that makes it perfect for swimming or snorkeling! There are also many other great places nearby where you can explore nature while enjoying time off from work: Isla de Lobos is home to hundreds of sea lions which often come right up onto shore; Laguna Merin features birdwatching tours led by local guides who know all about their native species; Parque Estacin Biolgica Marino-Terrestre offers guided walks through wetlands where visitors can spot endangered species like capybara (the world's largest rodent), armadillos and foxes roaming freely among other animals including deer and toucans flying overhead!

Cabo Polonio

Cabo Polonio is a beach located in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. It is located in the department of Rocha, which is one of Uruguay's smallest departments, covering only 548 square kilometers (212 square miles).

The beach has a rocky coast and a pier that extends into the sea. The name "Cabo Polonio" comes from an old legend that says there was once a shipwreck here where all aboard were killed except for one man who escaped by swimming to shore with his dog on his back; thus giving him his nickname: "Polonio".

Quebrada de los Cuervos

The Quebrada de los Cuervos is a beautiful place to visit, and it's also not very far from Montevideo. You can go there by bus or train, or you can rent a car if you have one. If not, there are many taxis in Uruguay that will take you there for a reasonable price.

Once at the Quebrada de los Cuervos, there are several things to do: hiking up into the hills where wild horses live; swimming in one of its many lakes (or even just sitting by one); fishing for trout; horseback riding through gorgeous scenery; taking photos of nature - this place has it all! If camping isn't your thing but sleeping under canvas sounds appealing then check out these campsites close by.

Sierra de las Ánimas

The Sierra de las Ánimas is a national park located in the southern part of Uruguay. It's one of the most beautiful places in Uruguay, and it's also home to some amazing hiking trails. If you're looking for a peaceful place to go hiking with your friends or family, this park will be perfect for you! You can hike through different parts of this beautiful landscape--and even see some wildlife along the way!

Uruguay has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world

If you're looking for a beach vacation, Uruguay has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay and Punta del Este is a resort town on its Atlantic coast that attracts tourists from around the world. It's known for its fishing, especially lobster and crab fishing. Punta del Diablo (Devil's Point) is another popular destination for fishermen because it has many species of fish including dorado (mahi-mahi), cabrilla (yellowtail snapper), calamares (squid) and mariscos de mar abierto (open sea shellfish). Cabo Polonio is a small village located at one end of Laguna Merin where visitors can enjoy hiking through forests or relaxing on white sandy beaches while watching whales migrate during winter months.

I hope this article has given you some inspiration to visit Uruguay. It's a beautiful country with lots of things to see and do, so why not plan your next holiday there?